How to keep yourself updated with the latest R news?

R is evolving rapidly and new code are implemented everyday. See how to keep up to date with the latest R news through several twitter feeds and newsletters.

Antoine Soetewey
4 min readOct 13, 2022
Photo by Nijwam Swargiary


At the end of one of the training sessions I gave on R, a student asked me the following question:

How do you keep yourself updated with the latest R news?

It is true that R, being open source (meaning that everyone can contribute), is evolving rapidly. This means that even if I am using R for several years and on a daily basis, I like to stay informed in order to stay up to date with the program and the latest coding practices.

In fact, I learn about new packages, new functions and new features almost everyday. Most of them are not particularly useful for my research or my teaching tasks, but sometimes I discover such a nice package or function that I replace my code with new one.1

The training was an advanced one, so the student had a good knowledge of R and was not looking for more tutorials or courses. She was interested in knowing where to look for updates about current and new R packages and functions.



Antoine Soetewey

Doctoral researcher in statistics at UCLouvain. Interested in statistics, R, and making them accessible to everyone. Author of